Posts Tagged ‘brave’


Posted: October 25, 2012 in Uncategorized
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I’ve also had the chance this week to see someone face their fears and boldly try a lot of new and dangerous things. I’ve learned much. In a world created by The God who doesn’t do things twice, it’s very valuable to be able to try new things in spite of your fears, to trust Him enough to take a step when you don’t know what comes next. Thank you for the lesson.

You’re doing a great job. I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like it but you really are. Sure there are some things that need to change but don’t worry about them, together we’ll get to them at just the right time and you don’t have to be afraid. The world is going to throw overwhelming evidence at you that makes it seem like you are failing. Don’t believe the lies or be discouraged. The fact that you desire more of Me is success in itself. I’m so very proud of you.